Innovating together – Key takeaways from Manufacturing Partnership Days 2024 

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In the evolving world of manufacturing innovation, Manufacturing Partnership Days 2024 provided a platform for exploring the latest advancements in European manufacturing. Held on the 7 and 8 May, this event brought together thirty-three Horizon European projects, offering an opportunity to delve into collective progress and challenges within the manufacturing sector. 

There were plenty of networking opportunities and presentations facilitating exchanges of ideas among participants. This collaborative environment showed the driving force behind European manufacturing and the crucial role of partnerships in fostering innovation. 

One of the most notable aspects of the event was the thematic categorisation of presentations, organised by call, which are specific topics designated by the European Commission for project funding. This structure offered a clear view of how different projects tackled common challenges, showcasing a variety of strategies across the manufacturing landscape. 

Apart from the representatives from EFFRA and the projects, members from the European Commission and the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA) were actively involved in discussions, emphasising the strategic importance of Horizon Europe initiatives in shaping the future of manufacturing. Their presence reinforced the collaborative ecosystem nurtured by such events where policymakers, industry leaders and research organisations converge to drive collective progress. 

COGNIMAN was thrilled to be one of the projects at the event. With our booth and presentation, we provided insights into the project’s advancements. The event not only aided in showcasing the project’s contributions but also highlighted the importance of visibility and knowledge sharing within the manufacturing community. 

Manufacturing Partnership Days also reaffirmed the significance of clusters like the European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA). As a collaborative platform, EFFRA plays a pivotal role in bridging the gap between research and industry, fostering synergies that drive innovation. 

By harnessing collective expertise and encouraging collaboration, events like these are essential for navigating the complexities of an ever-evolving industrial landscape. As we continue our journey towards a resilient, sustainable and competitive manufacturing ecosystem, the insights gained from events like these will undoubtedly inform future endeavours. 

Antonio M Ortiz from NORCE Norwegian Research Centre

Emanuele Ciccia from ABS

Lakshmy Arvind from EIT Manufacturing Central

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