COGNIMAN partners meet in Udine

< 1 min to read

One year after the kick-off, the COGNIMAN partners met in Udine to bring everybody up to speed on the project. Hosted by Acciaierie Bertoli Safau SpA (ABS) in the Danieli Academy on January 24 and 25, partners got together to evaluate progress and lay a roadmap for the upcoming year. The meeting’s agenda was packed, with the initial one and a half days dedicated to presentations by task leaders, fostering a vibrant environment for knowledge exchange and networking.

The second day offered a more practical perspective, as ABS, one of the use case owners in the project, organised an exclusive tour of their plant. This visit presented a unique opportunity for partners to physically witness the challenges at the heart of this use case. Stay tuned to get a closer look into the learnings from this visit.

This image gallery gives you a glimpse of how partners presented their progress, entered into discussions and exchanged tasks at hand.

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