COGNIMAN featured in major Aragón newspaper

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Heraldo de Aragón is a major regional newspaper in the Aragón region of Spain. Its weekly magazine, “Tercer Milenio” (Third Millennium), covers technology, industry and environmental topics. The inclusion of COGNIMAN in “Tercer Milenio” is a notable development. This coverage increases visibility and facilitates connections with relevant audiences, contributing to the progression of the project.

Click here to read the original publication: Los robots entran en acción para colaborar con las personas (

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Manual labour is still in high demand in complex processes such as producing glass fibres, 3D-printing of medical implants, removing excess material from cast-iron machine parts or stocking finished and half-finished products in a steel manufacturing site.

16 organisations have joined forces to suggest ways to not only solve very concrete challenges but also make manufacturing processes more flexible, safe and sustainable. Collaborative robotics and artificial intelligence are key technologies that COGNIMAN harnesses to make manufacturing smart.

COGNIMAN is the acronym of a four-year research and innovation project, which stands for “COGNitive Industries for smart MANufacturing’’. At its end, the project will have brought forth strategies that can be adapted to automate a range of manual manufacturing processes in the form of modular toolboxes. These toolboxes also make use of state-of-the-art technologies such as digital twins, simulations, advanced sensors and machine learning.

What makes the project stand out is its commitment to people at the centre of industrial production. Existing knowledge is crucial to automating processes and introducing robots as co-workers to the people in the factories.

The workers’ input often reveals the complexities of existing processes. Involving them from the beginning is key to the successful outcome of changes that will affect their work directly: Automation makes workplaces safer, replacing hard manual labour and repetitive tasks, sometimes under potentially dangerous or hazardous conditions. It streamlines processes and increases efficiency and thus contributes to making manufacturing in Europe more competitive, which in turn, secures jobs.

ITAINNOVA is the Aragón Institute of Technology, a non-profit centre linked to the Department of Science, University and the Knowledge Society of the regional government of Aragón. Collaborating closely with three partners from the Basque country, IDEKO (Technological centre specialised in machine tools), GOIMEK (high-precision machining) and ALDAKIN (electrical system specialist), they are behind the development of innovative robotics for safer and more collaborative work environments.

The use case involving these partners integrates a static robot for industrial manipulation with a robot that moves around on the ground in all directions. This enables detailed work on large-scale structural elements.

By combining the capabilities of both robots, they will create a robotic system that can move autonomously in any direction and can thus be positioned effectively to execute any task. This system will be able to perceive its environment, localise itself and the parts that is working on precisely and correct its trajectory if needed. Thus, it will be able to work on elements of various shapes and sizes with utmost precision.

Furthermore, this system will be virtualised and connected to a digital twin, which enables the simulation of trajectories and outcomes before the system is put to the task. This also will facilitate simplified programming. The experiences of the workers can thus be integrated into the simulation. They will not need to understand the robotic concepts but will be able to work with the robot just the same.

“This kind of technological integration represents a significant leap in automation, as solutions can be adapted to and deployed in industrial sectors, in which standard solutions are often not applicable or, alternatively, require advanced technical knowledge and expensive solutions for implementation,” says Carlos Peribanez from ITAINNOVA.

The participation of ITAINNOVA in the COGNIMAN project not only enhances working conditions and technological advancements but also plays a pivotal role in bolstering the industrial landscape of Aragón.

The outcomes of these projects permeate into specific, high-tech solutions that directly benefit the industrial network in Aragón. This knowledge transfer becomes possible through the collaboration of ITAINNOVA in other projects, incorporating cutting-edge technology into region-specific development initiatives for local businesses. This collaborative approach not only positions ITAINNOVA as a reference in technology development but also contributes to the growth and competitiveness of the industrial fabric in the region of Aragón.

  • Name: COGNIMAN (COGNitive Industries for smart MANufacturing).
  • Partners: 16 companies from seven countries, including research institutions, companies and industry partners.
  • Execution period: The project started in January 2023 and runs for 48 months.
  • Funding: COGNIMAN receives funding from the European Union under the grant agreement number 101058477.
  • More information:
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